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Investor Conferences

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Gogolook Pre-Mainboard Listing Investor Meeting


Date of institutional investor conference: 2025/03/18

  1. Time of institutional investor conference: 14:30
  2. Location of institutional investor conference: Ballroom on the 3rd floor of Shangri-La Far Eastern, Taipei (201 Tun Hwa South Road, Section 2, Taipei 10675 Taiwan)
  3. Outline of institutional investor conference:
    • According to the 「Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Enforcement Guidelines Governing Pre-Listing Performance Presentations for Initial Securities Listing」, the Company is to hold an performance presentations for list on the Main Board.
    • This presentation will explain the Company’s industrial development, financial and business status, future risks, corporate governance and corporate social responsibility, and Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Board of Directors and listing review committee requests for supplementary disclosures.
    • For on-site participants, please register in advance at:
  4. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.
  5. Presentation Content:  EN / Mandarin Version

Investor Conference Invited by Yuanta Securities 2024


The company is invited by Yuanta Securities to attend its investor conference

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2024/05/14
  2. Time of institutional investor conference: 02:00 p.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference:
    Online conference
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The company is invited by Yuanta Securities to attend its investor
    conference. The main contents will involve the company’s operation overview.
  5. Presentation Content: EN / Mandarin Version
  6. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.

The Company is invited to attend the investor conferences of "2024 Taiwan Venture Capital Summit"


The Company is invited to attend the investor conferences of “2024 Taiwan Venture Capital Summit”

  1. Date of institutional investor conference:2024/08/28
  2. Time of institutional investor conference:10:20 a.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference:Taipei New Horizon, 6F., No.88, Yanchang Rd., Taipei.
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference:The Company is invited to attend the investor conferences of ”2024 Taiwan Venture Capital Summit” to present financial and business information.
  5. Presentation Content: EN / Mandarin Version
  6. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.

The company is invited to attend 15th Taiwan CEO Week hosted by QIC


The company is invited to attend 15th Taiwan CEO Week hosted by QIC

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2024/04/25~2024/05/03
  2. Time of institutional investor conference: 09:00 a.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference: Online conference
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The company is invited to attend 15th Taiwan CEO Week hosted by QIC. The main contents will involve the company’s operation overview and financial results.
  5. Presentation Content: EN / Mandarin Version
  6. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.

Investor Conference Invited by KGI Securities 2024


The company is invited by KGI Securities to attend its investor conference

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2024/03/12
  2. Time of institutional investor conference: 02:30 p.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference:
    KGI Headquarters(No. 700, Mingshui Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei)
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The company is invited by KGI Securities to attend its investor
    conference. The main contents will involve the company’s operation overview.
  5. Presentation Content:  EN / Mandarin Version
  6. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.

Taiwan Innovation Board Investor Conferences 2024


The Company invited to attend “Taiwan Innovation Board” Investor Conferences hosted by TWSE

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2024/01/16
  2. Time of institutional investor conference:03:40 p.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference: TWSE 1F Information Exhibition Center ( Taipei 101 ) 1F, No.7, Sec.5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City 11049, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company invited to attend ” Taiwan Innovation Board” Investor Conferences hosted by TWSE, to discuss the Company’s operational and financial results released publicly.
    For participation details and relevant information, please refer to the TWSE homepage
  5. Any other matters that need to be specified:None.
  6. Presentation Content:  EN / Mandarin Version
  7. On-site Video

Investor Conference Invited by SinoPac Securities 2023


The company is invited by SinoPac Securities to attend its investor conference

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2023/11/03
  2. Time of institutional investor conference: 02:30 p.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference:
    19F., No.2, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Taipei City (SinoPac Securities Room1901)
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The company is invited by SinoPac Securities to attend its investor
    conference. The main contents will involve the company’s operation overview.
  5. Presentation Content: EN / Mandarin Version
  6. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.

Investor Conference Invited by Yuanta Securities 2023


The company is invited by Yuanta Securities to attend its 2023 Q3 Investment Forum

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2023/09/13
  2. Time of institutional investor conference: 09:30 a.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference: Regent Taipei
    No. 3, Ln. 39, Sec. 2, Zhongshan N. Rd., Taipei City
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The company is invited by Yuanta Securities to attend its 2023 Q3 Investment Forum. The main contents will involve the company’s operation overview.
  5. Presentation Content: EN / Mandarin Version
  6. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.

Online Investor Conference Invited by KGI 2023


The company is invited by KGI Securities to attend its online investor conference.

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2023/08/15
  2. Time of institutional investor conference: 02:30 p.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference: Online investor conference-Webex
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The company is invited by KGI Securities to attend its online investor conference.
    The main contents will involve the company’s operation overview.
  5. Presentation Content: EN / Mandarin Version
  6. Any other matters that need to be specified: None.

Taiwan Innovation Board Investor Conferences 2023


The Company invited to attend “Taiwan Innovation Board” Investor Conferences hosted by TWSE

  1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2023/07/18
  2. Time of institutional investor conference:03:20 p.m. (Taiwan Time)
  3. Location of institutional investor conference: TWSE 1F Information Exhibition Center ( Taipei 101 ) 1F, No.7, Sec.5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City 11049, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company invited to attend ” Taiwan Innovation Board” Investor Conferences hosted by TWSE, to discuss the Company’s operational and financial results released publicly.
    For participation details and relevant information, please refer to the TWSE homepage
  5. Any other matters that need to be specified:None.
  6. Presentation Content: EN / Mandarin Version
  7. On-site Video

Gogolook Pre-Listing Investor Meeting


Subject: Gogolook Pre-Listing Investor Meeting
Event Date: June 14, 2023

  1. Date of Corporate Briefing Meeting: June 14, 2023
  2. Time of Corporate Briefing Meeting: 14:30
  3. Venue of Corporate Briefing Meeting: WESTAR Multipurpose Exhibition Hall (Address: 8th Floor, No. 116, Hanzhong Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City)
  4. Key Information about the Corporate Briefing Meeting:
    • In accordance with the “Regulations on Performance Presentation Meetings before the Initial Listing of Securities,” the company will hold a performance presentation meeting prior to its listing.
    • The performance presentation meeting will include presentations by the company’s management team on industry development, financial status, future risks, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and disclosure requirements requested by the Board of Directors and Listing Review Committee of the Taiwan Stock Exchange.

For those who wish to attend the meeting in person, pre-registration is required at this website.

  1. Presentation Content: English Version
  2. Availability of Corporate Briefing Meeting Content on the Company’s Website: Yes, the information can be found here.
  3. Other Relevant Information: None
  4. On-site Video: Gogolook (Stock Code: 6902) Pre-IPO Performance Presentation